Donate — The Jameson Singers

Support the Jameson Singers

The Jameson Singers needs your help! Ticket sales cover only a portion of our annual budget. We appreciate your generosity and support for our continued music-making. Complete the fields and click on the link below to make a donation via PayPal.

For non-electronic gifts, please mail your check to:

Jameson Singers
P.O. Box 29
Arlington, MA 02476

Jameson Singers Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Gifts to the Jameson Singers are tax deductible.

Your name as you would like it to appear in the program:
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Click on the Donate button below to make a secure online contribution to The Jameson Singers. (You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction. A PayPal account is not required.)


Conductor’s Circle

The Jameson Singers aims to perform a major choral-orchestral work each year. To underwrite the cost of hiring a professional orchestra and soloists, we are asking for your help as we establish the Major Works Fund. Please consider joining the Conductor’s Circle with a three-year pledge of $500 to $2,500 toward this fund.

Please contact us if you are interested in joining the Conductor’s Circle.

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